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Advisory committee

The advisory committee is an important part of the project. People with disabilities advise the project team on the important content and processes of KI-Kompass Inklusiv. The members of the advisory committee come from vocational training centers, career development centers and workshops for people with disabilities throughout Germany.

How often does the advisory committee meet? And what happens in the meetings?

The advisory committee meets four times a year, once in person in Berlin and three times in a digital meeting. In the meetings, the members of the advisory committee provide constructive and critical input as well as advice on project work, which is then incorporated into further project processes. The participation of experts in their own interests in KI-Kompass Inklusiv helps to align the competence center’s offerings with the needs of the target group.

Who is responsible for the advisory committee?

The BAG WfbM project team is responsible for organizing and conducting the meetings of the advisory committee as part of work package 4 “Participation and Accessibility”. It also ensures communication and the exchange of information between the members of the advisory committee and the project partners.

How is accessibility ensured in the advisory committee?

Accessibility is implemented before, during and after a meeting both in the digital space and in person to enable everyone to participate. For example, the meeting documents are prepared in simple language and with an accessible design. These are sent out in advance of a meeting so that members can already deal with the meeting topics if they are interested and screen reader users can follow the documents during the meeting with the screen reader program. Taking spatial barriers into account is also essential. To increase the accessibility of the digital meetings, all participants are offered a technology check before each meeting. In addition, one person is available at each meeting exclusively to provide support with technical problems.

What are the goals of the project with the advisory committee?

The participation format of the advisory committee offers the possibility of a continuous exchange with third parties about the project work. The knowledge and experience gained here increase the quality and sustainability of the competence center’s offerings for all target groups. This is especially true since the members of the advisory committee come from different work and educational contexts and thus bring a wide variety of life and professional skills to the project. This enables the research project to receive constant feedback on its effectiveness for different target groups.